Sudan Pound to UAE Dirham Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 SDG =
0.00611 AED

1 SDG = 0.00611 AED according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx AED to SDG

Inverse: AED to SDG converter

Live Sudanese Pound to United Arab Emirates Dirham exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Sudanese Pound in United Arab Emirates Dirham as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple SDG/AED exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic SDG-AED rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, SDG AED history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Sudan Pound in UAE Dirham:

Sudanese Pound in UAE Dirhams chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.00611 AED (UAE Dirhams) = 1 SDG ( Sudanese Pound). The highest price Sudan Pound in UAE Dirham - Sun, 15 Dec 2024. 1 Sudan Pound = 0.0061 UAE Dirham. The lowest value Sudan Pounds/UAE Dirham in rate last month - Sun, 15 Dec 2024. Exchange rate: 1 SDG = 0.0061 AED.

0.00 SDG-AED

0.xx SDG/AED

  • 0.01 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.02 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.05 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.10 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.25 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.49 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.50 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.70 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.75 SDG = 0 AED
  • 0.90 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 0.95 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 0.99 SDG = 0.01 AED

1.00 SDG:AED

1.xx SDG/AED

  • 1.00 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.01 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.05 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.10 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.25 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.49 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.50 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.70 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.75 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.90 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.95 SDG = 0.01 AED
  • 1.99 SDG = 0.01 AED

Sudan Pound in UAE Dirham currency exchange

Sudan Pound UAE Dirham
100 د.إ 0.61
200 د.إ 1.22
500 د.إ 3.06
1000 د.إ 6.11
1500 د.إ 9.17
2000 د.إ 12.22
2500 د.إ 15.28
3000 د.إ 18.33
5000 د.إ 30.55
10000 د.إ 61.1
20000 د.إ 122.2
30000 د.إ 183.3
40000 د.إ 244.4
50000 د.إ 305.5
60000 د.إ 366.6
70000 د.إ 427.7
80000 د.إ 488.8
90000 د.إ 549.9
100000 د.إ 611
250000 د.إ 1527.5
300000 د.إ 1833
500000 د.إ 3055
1000000 د.إ 6110
2500000 د.إ 15275
5000000 د.إ 30550
10000000 د.إ 61100

Most used amounts of SDG in AED

Sudan Pound UAE Dirham
163.67 د.إ 1
327.33 د.إ 2
818.33 د.إ 5
1636.66 د.إ 10
2454.99 د.إ 15
3273.32 د.إ 20
4091.65 د.إ 25
4909.98 د.إ 30
8183.31 د.إ 50
16366.61 د.إ 100
32733.22 د.إ 200
49099.84 د.إ 300
65466.45 د.إ 400
81833.06 د.إ 500
98199.67 د.إ 600
114566.28 د.إ 700
130932.9 د.إ 800
147299.51 د.إ 900
163666.12 د.إ 1000
409165.3 د.إ 2500
490998.36 د.إ 3000
818330.61 د.إ 5000
1636661.21 د.إ 10000
4091653.03 د.إ 25000
8183306.06 د.إ 50000
16366612.11 د.إ 100000

Sudan Pound exchange rates

Sudanese Pound exchange rates in main currencies table