Vietnam Dong to Tajik Somoni Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 VND =
0.000430 TJS

1 VND = 0.000430 TJS according today's: 2024-12-14 exchange rate

1.xx TJS to VND

Inverse: TJS to VND converter

Live Vietnamese Dong to Tajikistani Somoni exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Vietnamese Dong in Tajikistani Somoni as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple VND/TJS exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic VND-TJS rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, VND TJS history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Vietnam Dong in Tajik Somoni:

Vietnamese Dong in Tajik Somoni chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.00042 TJS (Tajik Somoni) = 1 VND ( Vietnamese Dong). The highest price Vietnam Dong in Tajik Somoni - Fri, 6 Dec 2024. 1 Vietnam Dong = 0.0004 Tajik Somoni. The lowest value Vietnam Dong/Tajik Somoni in rate last month - Fri, 6 Dec 2024. Exchange rate: 1 VND = 0.0004 TJS.

0.00 VND-TJS

0.xx VND/TJS

  • 0.01 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.02 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.05 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.10 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.25 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.49 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.50 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.70 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.75 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.90 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.95 VND = 0 TJS
  • 0.99 VND = 0 TJS

1.00 VND:TJS

1.xx VND/TJS

  • 1.00 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.01 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.05 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.10 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.25 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.49 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.50 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.70 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.75 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.90 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.95 VND = 0 TJS
  • 1.99 VND = 0 TJS

Most used amounts of VND in TJS

Vietnam Dong Tajik Somoni
â‚« 2325.58 1
â‚« 4651.16 2
â‚« 11627.91 5
â‚« 23255.81 10
â‚« 34883.72 15
â‚« 46511.63 20
â‚« 58139.53 25
â‚« 69767.44 30
â‚« 116279.07 50
â‚« 232558.14 100
â‚« 465116.28 200
â‚« 697674.42 300
â‚« 930232.56 400
â‚« 1162790.7 500
â‚« 1395348.84 600
â‚« 1627906.98 700
â‚« 1860465.12 800
â‚« 2093023.26 900
â‚« 2325581.4 1000
â‚« 5813953.49 2500
â‚« 6976744.19 3000
â‚« 11627906.98 5000
â‚« 23255813.95 10000
â‚« 58139534.88 25000
â‚« 116279069.77 50000
â‚« 232558139.53 100000

Vietnam Dong exchange rates

Vietnamese Dong exchange rates in main currencies table