Vietnam Dong to Seychelles Rupee Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 VND =
0.000549 SCR

1 VND = 0.000549 SCR according today's: 2024-12-14 exchange rate

1.xx SCR to VND

Inverse: SCR to VND converter

Live Vietnamese Dong to Seychellois Rupee exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Vietnamese Dong in Seychellois Rupee as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple VND/SCR exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic VND-SCR rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, VND SCR history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Vietnam Dong in Seychelles Rupee:

Vietnamese Dong in Seychelles Rupees chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.00055 SCR (Seychelles Rupees) = 1 VND ( Vietnamese Dong). The highest price Vietnam Dong in Seychelles Rupee - Thu, 5 Dec 2024. 1 Vietnam Dong = 0.0006 Seychelles Rupee. The lowest value Vietnam Dong/Seychelles Rupee in rate last month - Thu, 5 Dec 2024. Exchange rate: 1 VND = 0.0005 SCR.

0.00 VND-SCR

0.xx VND/SCR

  • 0.01 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.02 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.05 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.10 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.25 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.49 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.50 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.70 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.75 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.90 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.95 VND = 0 SCR
  • 0.99 VND = 0 SCR

1.00 VND:SCR

1.xx VND/SCR

  • 1.00 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.01 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.05 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.10 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.25 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.49 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.50 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.70 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.75 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.90 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.95 VND = 0 SCR
  • 1.99 VND = 0 SCR

Vietnam Dong in Seychelles Rupee currency exchange

Vietnam Dong Seychelles Rupee
₫ 1000 ₨ 0.55
₫ 2000 ₨ 1.1
₫ 5000 ₨ 2.75
₫ 10000 ₨ 5.49
₫ 15000 ₨ 8.24
₫ 20000 ₨ 10.98
₫ 25000 ₨ 13.73
₫ 30000 ₨ 16.47
₫ 50000 ₨ 27.45
₫ 100000 ₨ 54.9
₫ 200000 ₨ 109.8
₫ 300000 ₨ 164.7
₫ 400000 ₨ 219.6
₫ 500000 ₨ 274.5
₫ 600000 ₨ 329.4
₫ 700000 ₨ 384.3
₫ 800000 ₨ 439.2
₫ 900000 ₨ 494.1
₫ 1000000 ₨ 549
₫ 2500000 ₨ 1372.5
₫ 3000000 ₨ 1647
₫ 5000000 ₨ 2745
₫ 10000000 ₨ 5490
₫ 25000000 ₨ 13725
₫ 50000000 ₨ 27450
₫ 100000000 ₨ 54900

Most used amounts of VND in SCR

Vietnam Dong Seychelles Rupee
₫ 1821.49 ₨ 1
₫ 3642.99 ₨ 2
₫ 9107.47 ₨ 5
₫ 18214.94 ₨ 10
₫ 27322.4 ₨ 15
₫ 36429.87 ₨ 20
₫ 45537.34 ₨ 25
₫ 54644.81 ₨ 30
₫ 91074.68 ₨ 50
₫ 182149.36 ₨ 100
₫ 364298.72 ₨ 200
₫ 546448.09 ₨ 300
₫ 728597.45 ₨ 400
₫ 910746.81 ₨ 500
₫ 1092896.17 ₨ 600
₫ 1275045.54 ₨ 700
₫ 1457194.9 ₨ 800
₫ 1639344.26 ₨ 900
₫ 1821493.62 ₨ 1000
₫ 4553734.06 ₨ 2500
₫ 5464480.87 ₨ 3000
₫ 9107468.12 ₨ 5000
₫ 18214936.25 ₨ 10000
₫ 45537340.62 ₨ 25000
₫ 91074681.24 ₨ 50000
₫ 182149362.48 ₨ 100000

Vietnam Dong exchange rates

Vietnamese Dong exchange rates in main currencies table