Ugandan Shilling to Kuwaiti Dinar Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 UGX =
0.0000845 KWD

1 UGX = 0.0000845 KWD according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx KWD to UGX

Inverse: KWD to UGX converter

Live Ugandan Shilling to Kuwaiti Dinar exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Ugandan Shilling in Kuwaiti Dinar as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple UGX/KWD exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic UGX-KWD rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, UGX KWD history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Ugandan Shilling in Kuwaiti Dinar:

Ugandan Shilling in Kuwaiti Dinars chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 8.0E-5 KWD (Kuwaiti Dinars) = 1 UGX ( Ugandan Shilling). The highest price Ugandan Shilling in Kuwaiti Dinar - Sun, 15 Dec 2024. 1 Ugandan Shilling = 0.0001 Kuwaiti Dinar. The lowest value Ugandan Shillings/Kuwaiti Dinar in rate last month - Sun, 15 Dec 2024. Exchange rate: 1 UGX = 0.0001 KWD.

0.00 UGX-KWD

0.xx UGX/KWD

  • 0.01 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.02 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.05 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.10 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.25 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.49 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.50 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.70 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.75 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.90 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.95 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 0.99 UGX = 0 KWD

1.00 UGX:KWD

1.xx UGX/KWD

  • 1.00 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.01 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.05 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.10 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.25 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.49 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.50 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.70 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.75 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.90 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.95 UGX = 0 KWD
  • 1.99 UGX = 0 KWD

Ugandan Shilling in Kuwaiti Dinar currency exchange

Ugandan Shilling Kuwaiti Dinar
Shs 10000 د.ك 0.85
Shs 20000 د.ك 1.69
Shs 50000 د.ك 4.23
Shs 100000 د.ك 8.45
Shs 150000 د.ك 12.68
Shs 200000 د.ك 16.9
Shs 250000 د.ك 21.13
Shs 300000 د.ك 25.35
Shs 500000 د.ك 42.25
Shs 1000000 د.ك 84.5
Shs 2000000 د.ك 169
Shs 3000000 د.ك 253.5
Shs 4000000 د.ك 338
Shs 5000000 د.ك 422.5
Shs 6000000 د.ك 507
Shs 7000000 د.ك 591.5
Shs 8000000 د.ك 676
Shs 9000000 د.ك 760.5
Shs 10000000 د.ك 845
Shs 25000000 د.ك 2112.5
Shs 30000000 د.ك 2535
Shs 50000000 د.ك 4225
Shs 100000000 د.ك 8450
Shs 250000000 د.ك 21125
Shs 500000000 د.ك 42250
Shs 1000000000 د.ك 84500

Most used amounts of UGX in KWD

Ugandan Shilling Kuwaiti Dinar
Shs 1183.43 د.ك 0.1
Shs 2366.86 د.ك 0.2
Shs 5917.16 د.ك 0.5
Shs 11834.32 د.ك 1
Shs 17751.48 د.ك 1.5
Shs 23668.64 د.ك 2
Shs 29585.8 د.ك 2.5
Shs 35502.96 د.ك 3
Shs 59171.6 د.ك 5
Shs 118343.2 د.ك 10
Shs 236686.39 د.ك 20
Shs 355029.59 د.ك 30
Shs 473372.78 د.ك 40
Shs 591715.98 د.ك 50
Shs 710059.17 د.ك 60
Shs 828402.37 د.ك 70
Shs 946745.56 د.ك 80
Shs 1065088.76 د.ك 90
Shs 1183431.95 د.ك 100
Shs 2958579.88 د.ك 250
Shs 3550295.86 د.ك 300
Shs 5917159.76 د.ك 500
Shs 11834319.53 د.ك 1000
Shs 29585798.82 د.ك 2500
Shs 59171597.63 د.ك 5000
Shs 118343195.27 د.ك 10000

Ugandan Shilling exchange rates

Ugandan Shilling exchange rates in main currencies table