Singapore Dollar to Djibouti Franc Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 SGD =
131.85 DJF

1 SGD = 131.85 DJF according today's: 2024-12-14 exchange rate

1.xx DJF to SGD

Inverse: DJF to SGD converter

Live Singapore Dollar to Djiboutian Franc exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Singapore Dollar in Djiboutian Franc as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple SGD/DJF exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic SGD-DJF rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, SGD DJF history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Singapore Dollar in Djibouti Franc:

Singapore Dollar in Djibouti Francs chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 132.395 DJF (Djibouti Francs) = 1 SGD ( Singapore Dollar). The highest price Singapore Dollar in Djibouti Franc - Tue, 10 Dec 2024. 1 Singapore Dollar = 133.0582 Djibouti Franc. The lowest value Singapore Dollars/Djibouti Franc in rate last month - Tue, 10 Dec 2024. Exchange rate: 1 SGD = 131.8135 DJF.

0.00 SGD-DJF

0.xx SGD/DJF

  • 0.01 SGD = 1.32 DJF
  • 0.02 SGD = 2.64 DJF
  • 0.05 SGD = 6.59 DJF
  • 0.10 SGD = 13.19 DJF
  • 0.25 SGD = 32.96 DJF
  • 0.49 SGD = 32.96 DJF
  • 0.50 SGD = 65.93 DJF
  • 0.70 SGD = 92.3 DJF
  • 0.75 SGD = 98.89 DJF
  • 0.90 SGD = 118.67 DJF
  • 0.95 SGD = 125.26 DJF
  • 0.99 SGD = 130.53 DJF

1.00 SGD:DJF

1.xx SGD/DJF

  • 1.00 SGD = 131.85 DJF
  • 1.01 SGD = 133.17 DJF
  • 1.05 SGD = 138.44 DJF
  • 1.10 SGD = 145.04 DJF
  • 1.25 SGD = 164.81 DJF
  • 1.49 SGD = 164.81 DJF
  • 1.50 SGD = 197.78 DJF
  • 1.70 SGD = 224.15 DJF
  • 1.75 SGD = 230.74 DJF
  • 1.90 SGD = 250.52 DJF
  • 1.95 SGD = 257.11 DJF
  • 1.99 SGD = 262.38 DJF

Singapore Dollar in Djibouti Franc currency exchange

Singapore Dollar Djibouti Franc
$ 1 Fdj 131.85
$ 2 Fdj 263.7
$ 5 Fdj 659.25
$ 10 Fdj 1318.5
$ 15 Fdj 1977.75
$ 20 Fdj 2637
$ 25 Fdj 3296.25
$ 30 Fdj 3955.5
$ 50 Fdj 6592.5
$ 100 Fdj 13185
$ 200 Fdj 26370
$ 300 Fdj 39555
$ 400 Fdj 52740
$ 500 Fdj 65925
$ 600 Fdj 79110
$ 700 Fdj 92295
$ 800 Fdj 105480
$ 900 Fdj 118665
$ 1000 Fdj 131850
$ 2500 Fdj 329625
$ 3000 Fdj 395550
$ 5000 Fdj 659250
$ 10000 Fdj 1318500
$ 25000 Fdj 3296250
$ 50000 Fdj 6592500
$ 100000 Fdj 13185000

Most used amounts of SGD in DJF

Singapore Dollar Djibouti Franc
$ 0.76 Fdj 100
$ 1.52 Fdj 200
$ 3.79 Fdj 500
$ 7.58 Fdj 1000
$ 11.38 Fdj 1500
$ 15.17 Fdj 2000
$ 18.96 Fdj 2500
$ 22.75 Fdj 3000
$ 37.92 Fdj 5000
$ 75.84 Fdj 10000
$ 151.69 Fdj 20000
$ 227.53 Fdj 30000
$ 303.38 Fdj 40000
$ 379.22 Fdj 50000
$ 455.06 Fdj 60000
$ 530.91 Fdj 70000
$ 606.75 Fdj 80000
$ 682.59 Fdj 90000
$ 758.44 Fdj 100000
$ 1896.09 Fdj 250000
$ 2275.31 Fdj 300000
$ 3792.19 Fdj 500000
$ 7584.38 Fdj 1000000
$ 18960.94 Fdj 2500000
$ 37921.88 Fdj 5000000
$ 75843.76 Fdj 10000000

Singapore Dollar exchange rates

Singapore Dollar exchange rates in main currencies table