Romanian Leu to Zloty Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 RON =
0.857 PLN

1 RON = 0.857 PLN according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx PLN to RON

Inverse: PLN to RON converter

Live Romanian Leu to Polish Zloty exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Romanian Leu in Polish Zloty as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple RON/PLN exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic RON-PLN rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, RON PLN history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Romanian Leu in Zloty:

Romanian Leu in Zloty chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.86402 PLN (Zloty) = 1 RON ( Romanian Leu). The highest price Romanian Leu in Zloty - Fri, 22 Nov 2024. 1 Romanian Leu = 0.8731 Zloty. The lowest value Romanian Leu/Zloty in rate last month - Fri, 22 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 RON = 0.8563 PLN.

0.00 RON-PLN

0.xx RON/PLN

  • 0.01 RON = 0.01 PLN
  • 0.02 RON = 0.02 PLN
  • 0.05 RON = 0.04 PLN
  • 0.10 RON = 0.09 PLN
  • 0.25 RON = 0.21 PLN
  • 0.49 RON = 0.21 PLN
  • 0.50 RON = 0.43 PLN
  • 0.70 RON = 0.6 PLN
  • 0.75 RON = 0.64 PLN
  • 0.90 RON = 0.77 PLN
  • 0.95 RON = 0.81 PLN
  • 0.99 RON = 0.85 PLN

1.00 RON:PLN

1.xx RON/PLN

  • 1.00 RON = 0.86 PLN
  • 1.01 RON = 0.87 PLN
  • 1.05 RON = 0.9 PLN
  • 1.10 RON = 0.94 PLN
  • 1.25 RON = 1.07 PLN
  • 1.49 RON = 1.07 PLN
  • 1.50 RON = 1.29 PLN
  • 1.70 RON = 1.46 PLN
  • 1.75 RON = 1.5 PLN
  • 1.90 RON = 1.63 PLN
  • 1.95 RON = 1.67 PLN
  • 1.99 RON = 1.71 PLN

Romanian Leu in Zloty currency exchange

Romanian Leu Zloty
lei 1 zł 0.86
lei 2 zł 1.71
lei 5 zł 4.29
lei 10 zł 8.57
lei 15 zł 12.86
lei 20 zł 17.14
lei 25 zł 21.43
lei 30 zł 25.71
lei 50 zł 42.85
lei 100 zł 85.7
lei 200 zł 171.4
lei 300 zł 257.1
lei 400 zł 342.8
lei 500 zł 428.5
lei 600 zł 514.2
lei 700 zł 599.9
lei 800 zł 685.6
lei 900 zł 771.3
lei 1000 zł 857
lei 2500 zł 2142.5
lei 3000 zł 2571
lei 5000 zł 4285
lei 10000 zł 8570
lei 25000 zł 21425
lei 50000 zł 42850
lei 100000 zł 85700

Most used amounts of RON in PLN

Romanian Leu Zloty
lei 1.17 zł 1
lei 2.33 zł 2
lei 5.83 zł 5
lei 11.67 zł 10
lei 17.5 zł 15
lei 23.34 zł 20
lei 29.17 zł 25
lei 35.01 zł 30
lei 58.34 zł 50
lei 116.69 zł 100
lei 233.37 zł 200
lei 350.06 zł 300
lei 466.74 zł 400
lei 583.43 zł 500
lei 700.12 zł 600
lei 816.8 zł 700
lei 933.49 zł 800
lei 1050.18 zł 900
lei 1166.86 zł 1000
lei 2917.15 zł 2500
lei 3500.58 zł 3000
lei 5834.31 zł 5000
lei 11668.61 zł 10000
lei 29171.53 zł 25000
lei 58343.06 zł 50000
lei 116686.11 zł 100000

Romanian Leu exchange rates

Romanian Leu exchange rates in main currencies table