Guarani to Mauritanian Ouguiya Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 PYG =
0.00507 MRU

1 PYG = 0.00507 MRU according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx MRU to PYG

Inverse: MRU to PYG converter

Live Paraguayan Guarani to Mauritanian Ouguiya exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Paraguayan Guarani in Mauritanian Ouguiya as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple PYG/MRU exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic PYG-MRU rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, PYG MRU history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Guarani in Mauritanian Ouguiya:

Paraguayan Guarani in Mauritanian Ouguiya chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.0051 MRU (Mauritanian Ouguiya) = 1 PYG ( Paraguayan Guarani). The highest price Guarani in Mauritanian Ouguiya - Tue, 19 Nov 2024. 1 Guarani = 0.0051 Mauritanian Ouguiya. The lowest value Guarani/Mauritanian Ouguiya in rate last month - Tue, 19 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 PYG = 0.005 MRU.

0.00 PYG-MRU

0.xx PYG/MRU

  • 0.01 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.02 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.05 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.10 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.25 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.49 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.50 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.70 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.75 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.90 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.95 PYG = 0 MRU
  • 0.99 PYG = 0.01 MRU

1.00 PYG:MRU

1.xx PYG/MRU

  • 1.00 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.01 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.05 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.10 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.25 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.49 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.50 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.70 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.75 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.90 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.95 PYG = 0.01 MRU
  • 1.99 PYG = 0.01 MRU

Guarani in Mauritanian Ouguiya currency exchange

Guarani Mauritanian Ouguiya
Gs 100 0.51
Gs 200 1.01
Gs 500 2.54
Gs 1000 5.07
Gs 1500 7.61
Gs 2000 10.14
Gs 2500 12.68
Gs 3000 15.21
Gs 5000 25.35
Gs 10000 50.7
Gs 20000 101.4
Gs 30000 152.1
Gs 40000 202.8
Gs 50000 253.5
Gs 60000 304.2
Gs 70000 354.9
Gs 80000 405.6
Gs 90000 456.3
Gs 100000 507
Gs 250000 1267.5
Gs 300000 1521
Gs 500000 2535
Gs 1000000 5070
Gs 2500000 12675
Gs 5000000 25350
Gs 10000000 50700

Most used amounts of PYG in MRU

Guarani Mauritanian Ouguiya
Gs 197.24 1
Gs 394.48 2
Gs 986.19 5
Gs 1972.39 10
Gs 2958.58 15
Gs 3944.77 20
Gs 4930.97 25
Gs 5917.16 30
Gs 9861.93 50
Gs 19723.87 100
Gs 39447.73 200
Gs 59171.6 300
Gs 78895.46 400
Gs 98619.33 500
Gs 118343.2 600
Gs 138067.06 700
Gs 157790.93 800
Gs 177514.79 900
Gs 197238.66 1000
Gs 493096.65 2500
Gs 591715.98 3000
Gs 986193.29 5000
Gs 1972386.59 10000
Gs 4930966.47 25000
Gs 9861932.94 50000
Gs 19723865.88 100000

Guarani exchange rates

Paraguayan Guarani exchange rates in main currencies table

Most used amounts of PYG in MRU