Omani Rial to Kyat Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 OMR =
5451.49 MMK

1 OMR = 5451.49 MMK according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx MMK to OMR

Inverse: MMK to OMR converter

Live Omani Rial to Myanmar Kyat exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Omani Rial in Myanmar Kyat as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple OMR/MMK exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic OMR-MMK rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, OMR MMK history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Omani Rial in Kyat:

Omani Rial in Kyat chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 5450.06974 MMK (Kyat) = 1 OMR ( Omani Rial). The highest price Omani Rial in Kyat - Mon, 18 Nov 2024. 1 Omani Rial = 5454.692 Kyat. The lowest value Omani Rials/Kyat in rate last month - Mon, 18 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 OMR = 5449.0534 MMK.

0.00 OMR-MMK

0.xx OMR/MMK

  • 0.01 OMR = 54.51 MMK
  • 0.02 OMR = 109.03 MMK
  • 0.05 OMR = 272.57 MMK
  • 0.10 OMR = 545.15 MMK
  • 0.25 OMR = 1362.87 MMK
  • 0.49 OMR = 1362.87 MMK
  • 0.50 OMR = 2725.75 MMK
  • 0.70 OMR = 3816.04 MMK
  • 0.75 OMR = 4088.62 MMK
  • 0.90 OMR = 4906.34 MMK
  • 0.95 OMR = 5178.92 MMK
  • 0.99 OMR = 5396.98 MMK

1.00 OMR:MMK

1.xx OMR/MMK

  • 1.00 OMR = 5451.49 MMK
  • 1.01 OMR = 5506 MMK
  • 1.05 OMR = 5724.06 MMK
  • 1.10 OMR = 5996.64 MMK
  • 1.25 OMR = 6814.36 MMK
  • 1.49 OMR = 6814.36 MMK
  • 1.50 OMR = 8177.24 MMK
  • 1.70 OMR = 9267.53 MMK
  • 1.75 OMR = 9540.11 MMK
  • 1.90 OMR = 10357.83 MMK
  • 1.95 OMR = 10630.41 MMK
  • 1.99 OMR = 10848.47 MMK

Omani Rial in Kyat currency exchange

Omani Rial Kyat
ï·¼ 1 Ks 5451.49
ï·¼ 2 Ks 10902.98
ï·¼ 5 Ks 27257.45
ï·¼ 10 Ks 54514.9
ï·¼ 15 Ks 81772.35
ï·¼ 20 Ks 109029.8
ï·¼ 25 Ks 136287.25
ï·¼ 30 Ks 163544.7
ï·¼ 50 Ks 272574.5
ï·¼ 100 Ks 545149
ï·¼ 200 Ks 1090298
ï·¼ 300 Ks 1635447
ï·¼ 400 Ks 2180596
ï·¼ 500 Ks 2725745
ï·¼ 600 Ks 3270894
ï·¼ 700 Ks 3816043
ï·¼ 800 Ks 4361192
ï·¼ 900 Ks 4906341
ï·¼ 1000 Ks 5451490
ï·¼ 2500 Ks 13628725
ï·¼ 3000 Ks 16354470
ï·¼ 5000 Ks 27257450
ï·¼ 10000 Ks 54514900
ï·¼ 25000 Ks 136287250
ï·¼ 50000 Ks 272574500
ï·¼ 100000 Ks 545149000

Most used amounts of OMR in MMK

Omani Rial Kyat
ï·¼ 0.18 Ks 1000
ï·¼ 0.37 Ks 2000
ï·¼ 0.92 Ks 5000
ï·¼ 1.83 Ks 10000
ï·¼ 2.75 Ks 15000
ï·¼ 3.67 Ks 20000
ï·¼ 4.59 Ks 25000
ï·¼ 5.5 Ks 30000
ï·¼ 9.17 Ks 50000
ï·¼ 18.34 Ks 100000
ï·¼ 36.69 Ks 200000
ï·¼ 55.03 Ks 300000
ï·¼ 73.37 Ks 400000
ï·¼ 91.72 Ks 500000
ï·¼ 110.06 Ks 600000
ï·¼ 128.41 Ks 700000
ï·¼ 146.75 Ks 800000
ï·¼ 165.09 Ks 900000
ï·¼ 183.44 Ks 1000000
ï·¼ 458.59 Ks 2500000
ï·¼ 550.31 Ks 3000000
ï·¼ 917.18 Ks 5000000
ï·¼ 1834.36 Ks 10000000
ï·¼ 4585.9 Ks 25000000
ï·¼ 9171.8 Ks 50000000
ï·¼ 18343.61 Ks 100000000

Omani Rial exchange rates

Omani Rial exchange rates in main currencies table