Omani Rial to Comorian Franc Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 OMR =
1217.18 KMF

1 OMR = 1217.18 KMF according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx KMF to OMR

Inverse: KMF to OMR converter

Live Omani Rial to Comorian Franc exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Omani Rial in Comorian Franc as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple OMR/KMF exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic OMR-KMF rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, OMR KMF history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Omani Rial in Comorian Franc:

Omani Rial in Comorian Franc chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 1214.78846 KMF (Comorian Franc) = 1 OMR ( Omani Rial). The highest price Omani Rial in Comorian Franc - Mon, 25 Nov 2024. 1 Omani Rial = 1227.6662 Comorian Franc. The lowest value Omani Rials/Comorian Franc in rate last month - Mon, 25 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 OMR = 1207.1056 KMF.

0.00 OMR-KMF

0.xx OMR/KMF

  • 0.01 OMR = 12.17 KMF
  • 0.02 OMR = 24.34 KMF
  • 0.05 OMR = 60.86 KMF
  • 0.10 OMR = 121.72 KMF
  • 0.25 OMR = 304.3 KMF
  • 0.49 OMR = 304.3 KMF
  • 0.50 OMR = 608.59 KMF
  • 0.70 OMR = 852.03 KMF
  • 0.75 OMR = 912.89 KMF
  • 0.90 OMR = 1095.46 KMF
  • 0.95 OMR = 1156.32 KMF
  • 0.99 OMR = 1205.01 KMF

1.00 OMR:KMF

1.xx OMR/KMF

  • 1.00 OMR = 1217.18 KMF
  • 1.01 OMR = 1229.35 KMF
  • 1.05 OMR = 1278.04 KMF
  • 1.10 OMR = 1338.9 KMF
  • 1.25 OMR = 1521.48 KMF
  • 1.49 OMR = 1521.48 KMF
  • 1.50 OMR = 1825.77 KMF
  • 1.70 OMR = 2069.21 KMF
  • 1.75 OMR = 2130.07 KMF
  • 1.90 OMR = 2312.64 KMF
  • 1.95 OMR = 2373.5 KMF
  • 1.99 OMR = 2422.19 KMF

Omani Rial in Comorian Franc currency exchange

Omani Rial Comorian Franc
ï·¼ 1 1217.18
ï·¼ 2 2434.36
ï·¼ 5 6085.9
ï·¼ 10 12171.8
ï·¼ 15 18257.7
ï·¼ 20 24343.6
ï·¼ 25 30429.5
ï·¼ 30 36515.4
ï·¼ 50 60859
ï·¼ 100 121718
ï·¼ 200 243436
ï·¼ 300 365154
ï·¼ 400 486872
ï·¼ 500 608590
ï·¼ 600 730308
ï·¼ 700 852026
ï·¼ 800 973744
ï·¼ 900 1095462
ï·¼ 1000 1217180
ï·¼ 2500 3042950
ï·¼ 3000 3651540
ï·¼ 5000 6085900
ï·¼ 10000 12171800
ï·¼ 25000 30429500
ï·¼ 50000 60859000
ï·¼ 100000 121718000

Most used amounts of OMR in KMF

Omani Rial Comorian Franc
ï·¼ 0.82 1000
ï·¼ 1.64 2000
ï·¼ 4.11 5000
ï·¼ 8.22 10000
ï·¼ 12.32 15000
ï·¼ 16.43 20000
ï·¼ 20.54 25000
ï·¼ 24.65 30000
ï·¼ 41.08 50000
ï·¼ 82.16 100000
ï·¼ 164.31 200000
ï·¼ 246.47 300000
ï·¼ 328.63 400000
ï·¼ 410.79 500000
ï·¼ 492.94 600000
ï·¼ 575.1 700000
ï·¼ 657.26 800000
ï·¼ 739.41 900000
ï·¼ 821.57 1000000
ï·¼ 2053.93 2500000
ï·¼ 2464.71 3000000
ï·¼ 4107.86 5000000
ï·¼ 8215.71 10000000
ï·¼ 20539.28 25000000
ï·¼ 41078.56 50000000
ï·¼ 82157.12 100000000

Omani Rial exchange rates

Omani Rial exchange rates in main currencies table