Malawi Kwacha to Swazi Lilangeni Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 MWK =
0.0103 SZL

1 MWK = 0.0103 SZL according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx SZL to MWK

Inverse: SZL to MWK converter

Live Malawian Kwacha to Swazi Lilangeni exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Malawian Kwacha in Swazi Lilangeni as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple MWK/SZL exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic MWK-SZL rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, MWK SZL history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Malawi Kwacha in Swazi Lilangeni:

Malawian Kwacha in Swazi Lilangeni chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.01041 SZL (Swazi Lilangeni) = 1 MWK ( Malawian Kwacha). The highest price Malawi Kwacha in Swazi Lilangeni - Sat, 16 Nov 2024. 1 Malawi Kwacha = 0.0105 Swazi Lilangeni. The lowest value Malawi Kwachas/Swazi Lilangeni in rate last month - Sat, 16 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 MWK = 0.0102 SZL.

0.00 MWK-SZL

0.xx MWK/SZL

  • 0.01 MWK = 0 SZL
  • 0.02 MWK = 0 SZL
  • 0.05 MWK = 0 SZL
  • 0.10 MWK = 0 SZL
  • 0.25 MWK = 0 SZL
  • 0.49 MWK = 0 SZL
  • 0.50 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 0.70 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 0.75 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 0.90 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 0.95 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 0.99 MWK = 0.01 SZL

1.00 MWK:SZL

1.xx MWK/SZL

  • 1.00 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 1.01 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 1.05 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 1.10 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 1.25 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 1.49 MWK = 0.01 SZL
  • 1.50 MWK = 0.02 SZL
  • 1.70 MWK = 0.02 SZL
  • 1.75 MWK = 0.02 SZL
  • 1.90 MWK = 0.02 SZL
  • 1.95 MWK = 0.02 SZL
  • 1.99 MWK = 0.02 SZL

Malawi Kwacha in Swazi Lilangeni currency exchange

Malawi Kwacha Swazi Lilangeni
MK 1 0.01
MK 2 0.02
MK 5 0.05
MK 10 0.1
MK 15 0.15
MK 20 0.21
MK 25 0.26
MK 30 0.31
MK 50 0.52
MK 100 1.03
MK 200 2.06
MK 300 3.09
MK 400 4.12
MK 500 5.15
MK 600 6.18
MK 700 7.21
MK 800 8.24
MK 900 9.27
MK 1000 10.3
MK 2500 25.75
MK 3000 30.9
MK 5000 51.5
MK 10000 103
MK 25000 257.5
MK 50000 515
MK 100000 1030

Most used amounts of MWK in SZL

Malawi Kwacha Swazi Lilangeni
MK 97.09 1
MK 194.17 2
MK 485.44 5
MK 970.87 10
MK 1456.31 15
MK 1941.75 20
MK 2427.18 25
MK 2912.62 30
MK 4854.37 50
MK 9708.74 100
MK 19417.48 200
MK 29126.21 300
MK 38834.95 400
MK 48543.69 500
MK 58252.43 600
MK 67961.17 700
MK 77669.9 800
MK 87378.64 900
MK 97087.38 1000
MK 242718.45 2500
MK 291262.14 3000
MK 485436.89 5000
MK 970873.79 10000
MK 2427184.47 25000
MK 4854368.93 50000
MK 9708737.86 100000

Malawi Kwacha exchange rates

Malawian Kwacha exchange rates in main currencies table