Comorian Franc to Vanuatu Vatu Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 KMF =
0.253 VUV

1 KMF = 0.253 VUV according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx VUV to KMF

Inverse: VUV to KMF converter

Live Comorian Franc to Vanuatu Vatu exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Comorian Franc in Vanuatu Vatu as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple KMF/VUV exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic KMF-VUV rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, KMF VUV history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Comorian Franc in Vanuatu Vatu:

Comorian Franc in Vanuatu Vatu chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.25387 VUV (Vanuatu Vatu) = 1 KMF ( Comorian Franc). The highest price Comorian Franc in Vanuatu Vatu - Tue, 19 Nov 2024. 1 Comorian Franc = 0.2555 Vanuatu Vatu. The lowest value Comorian Franc/Vanuatu Vatu in rate last month - Tue, 19 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 KMF = 0.2513 VUV.

0.00 KMF-VUV

0.xx KMF/VUV

  • 0.01 KMF = 0 VUV
  • 0.02 KMF = 0.01 VUV
  • 0.05 KMF = 0.01 VUV
  • 0.10 KMF = 0.03 VUV
  • 0.25 KMF = 0.06 VUV
  • 0.49 KMF = 0.06 VUV
  • 0.50 KMF = 0.13 VUV
  • 0.70 KMF = 0.18 VUV
  • 0.75 KMF = 0.19 VUV
  • 0.90 KMF = 0.23 VUV
  • 0.95 KMF = 0.24 VUV
  • 0.99 KMF = 0.25 VUV

1.00 KMF:VUV

1.xx KMF/VUV

  • 1.00 KMF = 0.25 VUV
  • 1.01 KMF = 0.26 VUV
  • 1.05 KMF = 0.27 VUV
  • 1.10 KMF = 0.28 VUV
  • 1.25 KMF = 0.32 VUV
  • 1.49 KMF = 0.32 VUV
  • 1.50 KMF = 0.38 VUV
  • 1.70 KMF = 0.43 VUV
  • 1.75 KMF = 0.44 VUV
  • 1.90 KMF = 0.48 VUV
  • 1.95 KMF = 0.49 VUV
  • 1.99 KMF = 0.5 VUV

Comorian Franc in Vanuatu Vatu currency exchange

Comorian Franc Vanuatu Vatu
1 0.25
2 0.51
5 1.27
10 2.53
15 3.8
20 5.06
25 6.33
30 7.59
50 12.65
100 25.3
200 50.6
300 75.9
400 101.2
500 126.5
600 151.8
700 177.1
800 202.4
900 227.7
1000 253
2500 632.5
3000 759
5000 1265
10000 2530
25000 6325
50000 12650
100000 25300

Most used amounts of KMF in VUV

Comorian Franc Vanuatu Vatu
3.95 1
7.91 2
19.76 5
39.53 10
59.29 15
79.05 20
98.81 25
118.58 30
197.63 50
395.26 100
790.51 200
1185.77 300
1581.03 400
1976.28 500
2371.54 600
2766.8 700
3162.06 800
3557.31 900
3952.57 1000
9881.42 2500
11857.71 3000
19762.85 5000
39525.69 10000
98814.23 25000
197628.46 50000
395256.92 100000

Comorian Franc exchange rates

Comorian Franc exchange rates in main currencies table