Kenyan Shilling to Boliviano Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 KES =
0.0534 BOB

1 KES = 0.0534 BOB according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx BOB to KES

Inverse: BOB to KES converter

Live Kenyan Shilling to Bolivian Boliviano exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Kenyan Shilling in Bolivian Boliviano as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple KES/BOB exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic KES-BOB rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, KES BOB history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Kenyan Shilling in Boliviano:

Kenyan Shilling in Bolivianos chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.05341 BOB (Bolivianos) = 1 KES ( Kenyan Shilling). The highest price Kenyan Shilling in Boliviano - Sun, 17 Nov 2024. 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.0537 Boliviano. The lowest value Kenyan Shillings/Boliviano in rate last month - Sun, 17 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 KES = 0.0533 BOB.

0.00 KES-BOB

0.xx KES/BOB

  • 0.01 KES = 0 BOB
  • 0.02 KES = 0 BOB
  • 0.05 KES = 0 BOB
  • 0.10 KES = 0.01 BOB
  • 0.25 KES = 0.01 BOB
  • 0.49 KES = 0.01 BOB
  • 0.50 KES = 0.03 BOB
  • 0.70 KES = 0.04 BOB
  • 0.75 KES = 0.04 BOB
  • 0.90 KES = 0.05 BOB
  • 0.95 KES = 0.05 BOB
  • 0.99 KES = 0.05 BOB

1.00 KES:BOB

1.xx KES/BOB

  • 1.00 KES = 0.05 BOB
  • 1.01 KES = 0.05 BOB
  • 1.05 KES = 0.06 BOB
  • 1.10 KES = 0.06 BOB
  • 1.25 KES = 0.07 BOB
  • 1.49 KES = 0.07 BOB
  • 1.50 KES = 0.08 BOB
  • 1.70 KES = 0.09 BOB
  • 1.75 KES = 0.09 BOB
  • 1.90 KES = 0.1 BOB
  • 1.95 KES = 0.1 BOB
  • 1.99 KES = 0.11 BOB

Kenyan Shilling in Boliviano currency exchange

Kenyan Shilling Boliviano
KSh 1 Bs 0.05
KSh 2 Bs 0.11
KSh 5 Bs 0.27
KSh 10 Bs 0.53
KSh 15 Bs 0.8
KSh 20 Bs 1.07
KSh 25 Bs 1.34
KSh 30 Bs 1.6
KSh 50 Bs 2.67
KSh 100 Bs 5.34
KSh 200 Bs 10.68
KSh 300 Bs 16.02
KSh 400 Bs 21.36
KSh 500 Bs 26.7
KSh 600 Bs 32.04
KSh 700 Bs 37.38
KSh 800 Bs 42.72
KSh 900 Bs 48.06
KSh 1000 Bs 53.4
KSh 2500 Bs 133.5
KSh 3000 Bs 160.2
KSh 5000 Bs 267
KSh 10000 Bs 534
KSh 25000 Bs 1335
KSh 50000 Bs 2670
KSh 100000 Bs 5340

Most used amounts of KES in BOB

Kenyan Shilling Boliviano
KSh 18.73 Bs 1
KSh 37.45 Bs 2
KSh 93.63 Bs 5
KSh 187.27 Bs 10
KSh 280.9 Bs 15
KSh 374.53 Bs 20
KSh 468.16 Bs 25
KSh 561.8 Bs 30
KSh 936.33 Bs 50
KSh 1872.66 Bs 100
KSh 3745.32 Bs 200
KSh 5617.98 Bs 300
KSh 7490.64 Bs 400
KSh 9363.3 Bs 500
KSh 11235.96 Bs 600
KSh 13108.61 Bs 700
KSh 14981.27 Bs 800
KSh 16853.93 Bs 900
KSh 18726.59 Bs 1000
KSh 46816.48 Bs 2500
KSh 56179.78 Bs 3000
KSh 93632.96 Bs 5000
KSh 187265.92 Bs 10000
KSh 468164.79 Bs 25000
KSh 936329.59 Bs 50000
KSh 1872659.18 Bs 100000

Kenyan Shilling exchange rates

Kenyan Shilling exchange rates in main currencies table