Indonesia Rupiah to Kwacha Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 IDR =
0.00172 ZMW

1 IDR = 0.00172 ZMW according today's: 2024-12-14 exchange rate

1.xx ZMW to IDR

Inverse: ZMW to IDR converter

Live Indonesian Rupiah to Zambian Kwacha exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Indonesian Rupiah in Zambian Kwacha as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple IDR/ZMW exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic IDR-ZMW rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, IDR ZMW history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Indonesia Rupiah in Kwacha:

Indonesian Rupiah in Kwacha chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.00172 ZMW (Kwacha) = 1 IDR ( Indonesian Rupiah). The highest price Indonesia Rupiah in Kwacha - Wed, 20 Nov 2024. 1 Indonesia Rupiah = 0.0017 Kwacha. The lowest value Indonesia Rupiahs/Kwacha in rate last month - Wed, 20 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 IDR = 0.0017 ZMW.

0.00 IDR-ZMW

0.xx IDR/ZMW

  • 0.01 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.02 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.05 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.10 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.25 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.49 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.50 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.70 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.75 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.90 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.95 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 0.99 IDR = 0 ZMW

1.00 IDR:ZMW

1.xx IDR/ZMW

  • 1.00 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.01 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.05 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.10 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.25 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.49 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.50 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.70 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.75 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.90 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.95 IDR = 0 ZMW
  • 1.99 IDR = 0 ZMW

Indonesia Rupiah in Kwacha currency exchange

Most used amounts of IDR in ZMW

Indonesia Rupiah Kwacha
Rp 581.4 1
Rp 1162.79 2
Rp 2906.98 5
Rp 5813.95 10
Rp 8720.93 15
Rp 11627.91 20
Rp 14534.88 25
Rp 17441.86 30
Rp 29069.77 50
Rp 58139.53 100
Rp 116279.07 200
Rp 174418.6 300
Rp 232558.14 400
Rp 290697.67 500
Rp 348837.21 600
Rp 406976.74 700
Rp 465116.28 800
Rp 523255.81 900
Rp 581395.35 1000
Rp 1453488.37 2500
Rp 1744186.05 3000
Rp 2906976.74 5000
Rp 5813953.49 10000
Rp 14534883.72 25000
Rp 29069767.44 50000
Rp 58139534.88 100000

Indonesia Rupiah exchange rates

Indonesian Rupiah exchange rates in main currencies table