Guinean Franc to CFP Franc Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 GNF =
0.0132 XPF

1 GNF = 0.0132 XPF according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx XPF to GNF

Inverse: XPF to GNF converter

Live Guinean Franc to CFP Franc exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Guinean Franc in CFP Franc as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple GNF/XPF exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic GNF-XPF rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, GNF XPF history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Guinean Franc in CFP Franc:

Guinean Franc in CFP Francs chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.01314 XPF (CFP Francs) = 1 GNF ( Guinean Franc). The highest price Guinean Franc in CFP Franc - Sun, 24 Nov 2024. 1 Guinean Franc = 0.0133 CFP Franc. The lowest value Guinean Franc/CFP Franc in rate last month - Sun, 24 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 GNF = 0.013 XPF.

0.00 GNF-XPF

0.xx GNF/XPF

  • 0.01 GNF = 0 XPF
  • 0.02 GNF = 0 XPF
  • 0.05 GNF = 0 XPF
  • 0.10 GNF = 0 XPF
  • 0.25 GNF = 0 XPF
  • 0.49 GNF = 0 XPF
  • 0.50 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 0.70 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 0.75 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 0.90 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 0.95 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 0.99 GNF = 0.01 XPF

1.00 GNF:XPF

1.xx GNF/XPF

  • 1.00 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 1.01 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 1.05 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 1.10 GNF = 0.01 XPF
  • 1.25 GNF = 0.02 XPF
  • 1.49 GNF = 0.02 XPF
  • 1.50 GNF = 0.02 XPF
  • 1.70 GNF = 0.02 XPF
  • 1.75 GNF = 0.02 XPF
  • 1.90 GNF = 0.03 XPF
  • 1.95 GNF = 0.03 XPF
  • 1.99 GNF = 0.03 XPF

Guinean Franc in CFP Franc currency exchange

Guinean Franc CFP Franc
1 0.01
2 0.03
5 0.07
10 0.13
15 0.2
20 0.26
25 0.33
30 0.4
50 0.66
100 1.32
200 2.64
300 3.96
400 5.28
500 6.6
600 7.92
700 9.24
800 10.56
900 11.88
1000 13.2
2500 33
3000 39.6
5000 66
10000 132
25000 330
50000 660
100000 1320

Most used amounts of GNF in XPF

Guinean Franc CFP Franc
75.76 1
151.52 2
378.79 5
757.58 10
1136.36 15
1515.15 20
1893.94 25
2272.73 30
3787.88 50
7575.76 100
15151.52 200
22727.27 300
30303.03 400
37878.79 500
45454.55 600
53030.3 700
60606.06 800
68181.82 900
75757.58 1000
189393.94 2500
227272.73 3000
378787.88 5000
757575.76 10000
1893939.39 25000
3787878.79 50000
7575757.58 100000

Guinean Franc exchange rates

Guinean Franc exchange rates in main currencies table