Birr to Gourdes Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 ETB =
1.03 HTG

1 ETB = 1.03 HTG according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx HTG to ETB

Inverse: HTG to ETB converter

Live Ethiopian Birr to Haitian Gourde exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Ethiopian Birr in Haitian Gourde as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple ETB/HTG exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic ETB-HTG rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, ETB HTG history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Birr in Gourdes:

Ethiopian Birr in Gourdes chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 1.05254 HTG (Gourdes) = 1 ETB ( Ethiopian Birr). The highest price Birr in Gourdes - Sun, 17 Nov 2024. 1 Birr = 1.0856 Gourdes. The lowest value Birr/Gourdes in rate last month - Sun, 17 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 ETB = 1.0293 HTG.

0.00 ETB-HTG

0.xx ETB/HTG

  • 0.01 ETB = 0.01 HTG
  • 0.02 ETB = 0.02 HTG
  • 0.05 ETB = 0.05 HTG
  • 0.10 ETB = 0.1 HTG
  • 0.25 ETB = 0.26 HTG
  • 0.49 ETB = 0.26 HTG
  • 0.50 ETB = 0.52 HTG
  • 0.70 ETB = 0.72 HTG
  • 0.75 ETB = 0.77 HTG
  • 0.90 ETB = 0.93 HTG
  • 0.95 ETB = 0.98 HTG
  • 0.99 ETB = 1.02 HTG

1.00 ETB:HTG

1.xx ETB/HTG

  • 1.00 ETB = 1.03 HTG
  • 1.01 ETB = 1.04 HTG
  • 1.05 ETB = 1.08 HTG
  • 1.10 ETB = 1.13 HTG
  • 1.25 ETB = 1.29 HTG
  • 1.49 ETB = 1.29 HTG
  • 1.50 ETB = 1.55 HTG
  • 1.70 ETB = 1.75 HTG
  • 1.75 ETB = 1.8 HTG
  • 1.90 ETB = 1.96 HTG
  • 1.95 ETB = 2.01 HTG
  • 1.99 ETB = 2.05 HTG

Birr in Gourdes currency exchange

Birr Gourdes
Br 1 1.03
Br 2 2.06
Br 5 5.15
Br 10 10.3
Br 15 15.45
Br 20 20.6
Br 25 25.75
Br 30 30.9
Br 50 51.5
Br 100 103
Br 200 206
Br 300 309
Br 400 412
Br 500 515
Br 600 618
Br 700 721
Br 800 824
Br 900 927
Br 1000 1030
Br 2500 2575
Br 3000 3090
Br 5000 5150
Br 10000 10300
Br 25000 25750
Br 50000 51500
Br 100000 103000

Most used amounts of ETB in HTG

Birr Gourdes
Br 0.97 1
Br 1.94 2
Br 4.85 5
Br 9.71 10
Br 14.56 15
Br 19.42 20
Br 24.27 25
Br 29.13 30
Br 48.54 50
Br 97.09 100
Br 194.17 200
Br 291.26 300
Br 388.35 400
Br 485.44 500
Br 582.52 600
Br 679.61 700
Br 776.7 800
Br 873.79 900
Br 970.87 1000
Br 2427.18 2500
Br 2912.62 3000
Br 4854.37 5000
Br 9708.74 10000
Br 24271.84 25000
Br 48543.69 50000
Br 97087.38 100000

Birr exchange rates

Ethiopian Birr exchange rates in main currencies table