Danish Krone to Belize Dollar Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 DKK =
0.283 BZD

1 DKK = 0.283 BZD according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx BZD to DKK

Inverse: BZD to DKK converter

Live Danish Krone to Belize Dollar exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Danish Krone in Belize Dollar as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple DKK/BZD exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic DKK-BZD rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, DKK BZD history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Danish Krone in Belize Dollar:

Danish Krone in Belize Dollars chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.28444 BZD (Belize Dollars) = 1 DKK ( Danish Krone). The highest price Danish Krone in Belize Dollar - Wed, 20 Nov 2024. 1 Danish Krone = 0.2867 Belize Dollar. The lowest value Danish Krone/Belize Dollar in rate last month - Wed, 20 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 DKK = 0.2818 BZD.

0.00 DKK-BZD

0.xx DKK/BZD

  • 0.01 DKK = 0 BZD
  • 0.02 DKK = 0.01 BZD
  • 0.05 DKK = 0.01 BZD
  • 0.10 DKK = 0.03 BZD
  • 0.25 DKK = 0.07 BZD
  • 0.49 DKK = 0.07 BZD
  • 0.50 DKK = 0.14 BZD
  • 0.70 DKK = 0.2 BZD
  • 0.75 DKK = 0.21 BZD
  • 0.90 DKK = 0.25 BZD
  • 0.95 DKK = 0.27 BZD
  • 0.99 DKK = 0.28 BZD

1.00 DKK:BZD

1.xx DKK/BZD

  • 1.00 DKK = 0.28 BZD
  • 1.01 DKK = 0.29 BZD
  • 1.05 DKK = 0.3 BZD
  • 1.10 DKK = 0.31 BZD
  • 1.25 DKK = 0.35 BZD
  • 1.49 DKK = 0.35 BZD
  • 1.50 DKK = 0.42 BZD
  • 1.70 DKK = 0.48 BZD
  • 1.75 DKK = 0.5 BZD
  • 1.90 DKK = 0.54 BZD
  • 1.95 DKK = 0.55 BZD
  • 1.99 DKK = 0.56 BZD

Danish Krone in Belize Dollar currency exchange

Danish Krone Belize Dollar
kr 1 BZ$ 0.28
kr 2 BZ$ 0.57
kr 5 BZ$ 1.42
kr 10 BZ$ 2.83
kr 15 BZ$ 4.25
kr 20 BZ$ 5.66
kr 25 BZ$ 7.08
kr 30 BZ$ 8.49
kr 50 BZ$ 14.15
kr 100 BZ$ 28.3
kr 200 BZ$ 56.6
kr 300 BZ$ 84.9
kr 400 BZ$ 113.2
kr 500 BZ$ 141.5
kr 600 BZ$ 169.8
kr 700 BZ$ 198.1
kr 800 BZ$ 226.4
kr 900 BZ$ 254.7
kr 1000 BZ$ 283
kr 2500 BZ$ 707.5
kr 3000 BZ$ 849
kr 5000 BZ$ 1415
kr 10000 BZ$ 2830
kr 25000 BZ$ 7075
kr 50000 BZ$ 14150
kr 100000 BZ$ 28300

Most used amounts of DKK in BZD

Danish Krone Belize Dollar
kr 3.53 BZ$ 1
kr 7.07 BZ$ 2
kr 17.67 BZ$ 5
kr 35.34 BZ$ 10
kr 53 BZ$ 15
kr 70.67 BZ$ 20
kr 88.34 BZ$ 25
kr 106.01 BZ$ 30
kr 176.68 BZ$ 50
kr 353.36 BZ$ 100
kr 706.71 BZ$ 200
kr 1060.07 BZ$ 300
kr 1413.43 BZ$ 400
kr 1766.78 BZ$ 500
kr 2120.14 BZ$ 600
kr 2473.5 BZ$ 700
kr 2826.86 BZ$ 800
kr 3180.21 BZ$ 900
kr 3533.57 BZ$ 1000
kr 8833.92 BZ$ 2500
kr 10600.71 BZ$ 3000
kr 17667.84 BZ$ 5000
kr 35335.69 BZ$ 10000
kr 88339.22 BZ$ 25000
kr 176678.45 BZ$ 50000
kr 353356.89 BZ$ 100000

Danish Krone exchange rates

Danish Krone exchange rates in main currencies table