Lek to Macau Pataca Currency Converter

Foreign Currency Converter

Today's money exchange rate:

1 ALL =
0.0856 MOP

1 ALL = 0.0856 MOP according today's: 2024-12-15 exchange rate

1.xx MOP to ALL

Inverse: MOP to ALL converter

Live Albanian Lek to Macanese Pataca exchange rate. Free web money exchange rates show conversion price of 1 Albanian Lek in Macanese Pataca as of today rates based on markets exchange rates. Fiat Money Converter has the best and simple ALL/MOP exchange rates in Singapore. View the basic ALL-MOP rates info and more tools and features: money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, ALL MOP history, chart, currency converter and latest change from Lek in Macau Pataca:

Albanian Lek in Macau Pataca chart

The 10 days average exchange rate: 0.08598 MOP (Macau Pataca) = 1 ALL ( Albanian Lek). The highest price Lek in Macau Pataca - Fri, 15 Nov 2024. 1 Lek = 0.0867 Macau Pataca. The lowest value Albanian Lek/Macau Pataca in rate last month - Fri, 15 Nov 2024. Exchange rate: 1 ALL = 0.0851 MOP.

0.00 ALL-MOP

0.xx ALL/MOP

  • 0.01 ALL = 0 MOP
  • 0.02 ALL = 0 MOP
  • 0.05 ALL = 0 MOP
  • 0.10 ALL = 0.01 MOP
  • 0.25 ALL = 0.02 MOP
  • 0.49 ALL = 0.02 MOP
  • 0.50 ALL = 0.04 MOP
  • 0.70 ALL = 0.06 MOP
  • 0.75 ALL = 0.06 MOP
  • 0.90 ALL = 0.08 MOP
  • 0.95 ALL = 0.08 MOP
  • 0.99 ALL = 0.08 MOP

1.00 ALL:MOP

1.xx ALL/MOP

  • 1.00 ALL = 0.09 MOP
  • 1.01 ALL = 0.09 MOP
  • 1.05 ALL = 0.09 MOP
  • 1.10 ALL = 0.09 MOP
  • 1.25 ALL = 0.11 MOP
  • 1.49 ALL = 0.11 MOP
  • 1.50 ALL = 0.13 MOP
  • 1.70 ALL = 0.15 MOP
  • 1.75 ALL = 0.15 MOP
  • 1.90 ALL = 0.16 MOP
  • 1.95 ALL = 0.17 MOP
  • 1.99 ALL = 0.17 MOP

Lek in Macau Pataca currency exchange

Lek Macau Pataca
lek 1 0.09
lek 2 0.17
lek 5 0.43
lek 10 0.86
lek 15 1.28
lek 20 1.71
lek 25 2.14
lek 30 2.57
lek 50 4.28
lek 100 8.56
lek 200 17.12
lek 300 25.68
lek 400 34.24
lek 500 42.8
lek 600 51.36
lek 700 59.92
lek 800 68.48
lek 900 77.04
lek 1000 85.6
lek 2500 214
lek 3000 256.8
lek 5000 428
lek 10000 856
lek 25000 2140
lek 50000 4280
lek 100000 8560

Most used amounts of ALL in MOP

Lek Macau Pataca
lek 11.68 1
lek 23.36 2
lek 58.41 5
lek 116.82 10
lek 175.23 15
lek 233.64 20
lek 292.06 25
lek 350.47 30
lek 584.11 50
lek 1168.22 100
lek 2336.45 200
lek 3504.67 300
lek 4672.9 400
lek 5841.12 500
lek 7009.35 600
lek 8177.57 700
lek 9345.79 800
lek 10514.02 900
lek 11682.24 1000
lek 29205.61 2500
lek 35046.73 3000
lek 58411.21 5000
lek 116822.43 10000
lek 292056.07 25000
lek 584112.15 50000
lek 1168224.3 100000

Lek exchange rates

Albanian Lek exchange rates in main currencies table